When Basement Kahuna was in town recently, we hit a bunch of antique stores. I expected to be left in the dust and find nothing in his wake. I was very shocked when I looked across the aisle from where he stood to see the Tiki Hibachi sitting there. I think he looks more Aztec or something, but he is in the Book of Tiki on page 184 with the original packaging. Ms. Swanky loves it, so, he found a home. I think it’s the earrings.
This looks like a common Otagari mug. I have one already. But Ms. Swanky found this one in a thrift store and snatched it up. On the back is an unusual mark. It’s from some frat at Penn State University.
One of the hunters in the field sent this trio of black Orchids of Hawaii mugs to us. I have this mug, but not in black.