Hukilau 2006 Report


Thank you dear for the drinks! Our lovely server who danced in the dinner show later.


This Hukilau was very different to me. I took a friend with me, and what that meant was that I had no obligations and was able to spend lots of time talking to and getting to know the many wonderful people that come to Hukilau. It is these very people that made the event worth doing year after year though I lost money (sometimes lots of it!) on what was essentially a year long job. The stress and work was worth having these great people come together and have such a wonderful time. I met more people by Thursday afternoon than I think I had in the previous 4 years.

It is always a great day when you can spend time in the Mai Kai, but exploring it with Otto Von Stroheim and playing around with Bamboo Ben and Holden Westland and King Kukulele in the Mai Kai is way better. Sharing it with people who love it the way I do is fantastic.


Bre-Elle as the Mermaid was a treasure.


Pablus on stage at the Mai Kai stopping everything with the power of his song and his sweet voice was amazing. I am lucky to have him come around and sing in my Hapa Haole Hideaway regularly, so I know his magic. Everybody tasted it then.


Tiki Diablo and Basement Kahuna carving

Basement Kahuna and I already have plans to make next year even better!

One Reply to “Hukilau 2006 Report”

  1. The lovely server above is Ivalani – she’s just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside – and married to Alex who also performs in the show!

    The Tiki that was carved in the picture below was rescued on the beach at about 3am the morning after the carving – it will be saved for next year.

    Glad you had such a great time at the event.

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