I bought this menu for obvious reasons. The drink prices tell me it’s pretty old. I love the graphics and I love the imagery of the Tonga Room. When the menu arrived I was in for a surprise. I looked at the little description next to the drink, and it was the recipe. They were all the recipes! Indeed, as I actually looked at what was in my hands it does say “Tonga Room Tropical Drink Recipes.”
Straight from the Grog Log, these were the recipes I had made before, handed to me by Beachbum Berry. Here is the “Tonga Room Zombie” I had made not too long ago. I recall it’s stiff punch. I had 3 or 4 and was well lit.
The Tonga Room is still in San Fransico and everyone says it is worth seeing, but not so well worth staying, even for a drink.
Here it is in its Technicolor hayday, and in its 1940s glory.
Give it a visit when in the area.
And what’s “Pinky” in the Honolulu Cocktail?
UPDATE 7-12: I just noticed in the illustrations they use the cherry as a sort of anchor for the garnish. They are wedging the the rim of the glass between the cherry and orange slice to keep it in place. The cherry also seems to be speared a little off-center to give more meat to hold it in place. I’ll have to remember that.
That menu is pretty nifty. And I really don’t understand why people dislike the Tonga Room so much. I’ve been there a couple of times and I thought the food, drinks, and service were fine. Much better than some of the joints I’ve been to.
And by the way, “Pinky” is probably slang for pink champagne.
I agree with Mr Bali Hai. I’ve been to the Tonga Room and had a great time. The drinks were not as good as Trader Vics but they were fine.
Thanks for sharing the pics Swanky.
I like the ghostly-slash-negative people under the Planter’s Punch graphic. Very ethereal and loungey!
get food recipies